
Diana Ferrara, Ph.D., Curator

Role in this project

Dr Diana Ferrara is the Curator of the Tortora Brayda di Belvedere Historical Fund.  Having started her career at the National Archives in Capua, charged with interpreting and classifying the ancient collections of state documentation, she developed as a historian, with special focus on the Legislative process in the Kingdom of Naples. She is an expert of Latin, particularly in understanding it within the context of Medieval and Renaissance Europe.

Dr Diana Ferrara is able to shed light on many obscure documents and is building up a catalog of abstracts, so that family and historical researchers will be able to navigate through our archives with clarity.

Kathleen Orlenko, Conservator

Role in this project

Kathleen is a Columbia Masters Graduate  in Library and Archives Conservation. she has subsequently held prestigious positions as Conservator at the National Library, Stanford University and Huntingdon Library.  Kathleen Orlenko provides conservation on our family archives, stretching medieval vellum, repairing ancient paper documents photographing and archiving these materials.

Justin Gray Morgan, Designer & Web Architect

Role in this project

Justin Gray Morgan is the designer and architect of this website. Justin is has worked as  Art Director for several Advertising and Design agencies including Ogilvy in Durham. He is also a very skilled fine artist, with depth of knowledge of history of art, sacred geometry and philosophy.